Slavic Studies

Brown 2020 Slavic Studies Thesis Symposium (on Zoom)

Please join us for the 2020 Slavic Studies honors thesis symposium!

Symposium PosterThe topics of this year's presentations will be: Auriane Benabou. "Taking Out the Trash: Russia’s Garbage Crisis and the Development of Local Environmental Movements"; Rachel Landau. "Spongebob, Petroleum, and Ablai Khan: 21st-Century Central Asia in Translation"; Ella Scholz. "The Question of Freedom in Dostoevsky's The Gambler from the Point of View of Florensky's Theology of Love." Congratulations to Auriane, Rachel, and Ella on this incredible achievement!

If you want to attend, please message Slavic Studies DUG or Department of Slavic Studies at Brown University or send an email to to get the Zoom Meeting ID for the event.